Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

The scent of flowers, Really Only got a nose Just

Giving flowers is one of the forms of expression of love that has become a tradition at Valentines day. The beauty of a flower considered appropriate to given to loved ones and symbolize the feeling of belonging to the giver. Of different types of flowers, the scent of any owned no doubt vary.

Tracing the further matter of fragrant flowers, did you know that flowers was able to provide a variety of effects to the body for those who kissed whose?

Know the facts surrounding this provision under the flower scent You live live the Valentines day floral scent, because actually not only up to the sheer in the nose.

Have you ever felt hungry after smelling a good food? Or have you ever felt feelings happy and excited after a smelling the scent of perfume someone else that is similar to the scent of the perfume of your partner?

The scent of flowers, Really Only got a nose Just
The scent of flowers, Really Only got a nose Just

Smell is a form of senses have been known since ancient times. The scent is a form of the molecule, and the human capacity to feel the scent/smell is due to the chemical processes that brought about the molecule.

Apparently, the smell is the sense that it has a more complex neural pathways. Before reaching the capital at part of the brain called the thalamus, must pass through the center of olfactory memory or memory and emotions.

Therefore, together with the existence of consciousness you will be the emergence of a smell/scent, you can also associate it with an event in the past as well as feeling happy, sad, or angry associated with scents that You breathe. Is no exception with the scent of flowers, an effect that arises against the body not just only because a whose odor was noticeable.

A study mentioned that aroma of flowers are sprayed around bed will provide more positive or pleasant dreams, than there is no fragrance at all. In a study, said lavender flowers can release hormones that cause the guy who kissed him feeling better and happier. Other plants, such as scent Eucalypt eucalyptus or said can raise awareness and vigilance.

Some other effects that can arise due to smell certain scents-, among others:

Raises the feeling and flavor of love

A University of Chicago research indicates that women are able to smell the genetic differences, although it can not be expressed openly and the scent of the unconscious. In addition, it is also mentioned that humans tend to prefer the scent of the body of another person who unconsciously was able to give something special to him.

Fragrances can affect concentration

Mentioned that the fragrance of lavender, strawberries, and peppermint can boost concentration. This never used to increase the concentration of the students, athletes and workers to be able to practise their activities better.

Fragrances can affect memory

The scent is the originator of a particular memory which is very strong. When someone is experiencing an event at which there is a particular aroma is typical, for example, the scent of perfume when couples meet, or the scent of smoke when the fire broke out, then that person will easily remember events that occurred simultaneously with the scent of terciumnya. This is because the parts of the brain that process the smell associated with the part that processes emotion and memory.

Lowering the difficulty of sleep and stress

The fragrance of lavender flowers, roses, including fragrant vanilla and coffee is said to be able to reduce insomnia and stress as well as gave rise to a sense of calm for those who smell it.

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