Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Face Similar Means soul mate: myth or Fact

Many people assume that face similar means soul mate. However, whether the presumption that face similar means soul mate this is a fact or just a myth?

Scientifically, it can be proven that the partner has a face that looks like is not a myth, but the true existence. A research carried out suggests that couples who marry originally there is no resemblance to each other.

But after 25 years of marriage, then it will happen one couples facial similarities with the other. In addition, the happy couple at a wedding, it will be increasingly similar to both of these couples face.

Face Similar Means soul mate: myth or Fact
Face Similar Means soul mate: myth or Fact

According to Robert Zajonc, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, said that the facial resemblance is caused by the exchange of emotions that have been done over the years.

In the study, factors like similarities for years the effect on food hoarding the fatty tissues so that it also contributes to the likeness of the face, even though it is not crucial.

In addition, couples will experience a facial expression exchange the same face for years and it is its own empathy so as to make the face increasingly similar.

Evidence of facial expression are derived from research conducted by Olaf Dimberg, psychologist from Sweden, who conducted the research by measuring the levels of tension in the muscles of the face when shown several photos that show a variety of expression.

In the photo that shows anger, then the people who saw it also unconsciously will have angry expression which is more or less the same. This can happen due to facial expressions are going to make the same emotions because of the facial muscles also play a role in regulating the flow of blood flowing into the brain.

In addition, the carotid arteries are located inside the neck of the duty to provide blood supply to the brain also has branching blood vessels to the area of the face. So when the facial muscles are more relaxed, then the blood flow to the brain would be so much more a part of the brain that get more blood supply.

Facial expressions, such as smiling, will trigger some parts in the brain to make the feelings that are related, such as happiness. When a couple has the same facial expression facial, then they also indirectly will have the same emotions, and synergized with each other. In other words, a facial face will make it a more powerful empathy because it will trigger a feeling of being stronger and more synergistically.

In conclusion, the spouse will be more similar to each other because it has the same facial expression in a long time. The facial resemblance of couples will begin when the two share the same expression every day. In such research, the happy marriage of a person will be a very strong similarity in both partners.

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