Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

3 problems in relationships and how to Trick

What kind of relationship do you live together with Your beloved partner? Do you have a fulfilling relationship, complement each other, and the days passed with happiness?

After some time passed, most of the relationship between the couples will fall on a comfortable pattern is the following:

Mutual acceptance and existing roles mengikhlaskan on each

Make treaties and commitments so that each holds a specific role

3 problems in relationships and how to Trick
3 problems in relationships and how to Trick

Keep your distance

Mutual store secrets and discontent

Stuck on the circumstances in which each dishonest but retaining the ' relationship '.

What are things that often become a problem?

Each couple would certainly put hope in relationships that are living. But there are times when the situation seemed to press and difficult problem is avoided, so that the relationship must be ' tripped ' constraints. Sometimes, the ' stumbling block ' this can be overcome with perfect, but could also lead to the end of a relationship.

In fact, it's easier to talk about everyday problems than finding the dynamics underlying problems in a relationship. This is because both parties certainly have a way of view and a different mindset, which can be difficult to put together.

Here are some of the areas that is most often a problem between both partners:

The lack of time together

Saturation in touch

Addictive behaviors/hobby one partner

Violence/anger/rudeness in dealing

Household settings problem

Common goals between the two couples

Dishonesty/lack of confidence

Problems with in-laws

Criticism of the couple


Lack of intimacy and sexual problems



Problem child and his care

How do I get around the problems in the relationship?

For any problems encountered, requiring finesse and different responses. Check out some of the ways to overcome three kinds of problems that most often appear in the associated:

The Problem: Communication

Almost all problems in relating the bad communication. Unfortunately, the sophistication of the times and progress in telecommunication tool capable of causing ' glued ' to update everything in sight on their smartphone, instead of on their partner. Sit together with your partner, keep all forms of communication tools, and point out feelings and informasinya.Aku steam-informasinya.Aku steam respectively. Talking about things in a good way (without elevating the tone or without accusing), and listen to what Your spouse is delivered.

Sexual Problems:

The relationship of husband and wife sometimes tinged issues to discontent one party over their sexual activity. Occasionally, your spouse need sex more often, more varied, more spontaneous, but they do not mengutarakannya you. Real sex was able to hold the husband and wife physically and mentally. For this one, You expected is sensitive to the needs of your partner. Or when you thus feel discomfort in sexual activities, tell them clearly and not covered up.

Financial Issues:

Financial problems can arise even before the wedding party was held. Are you satisfied with the income of your spouse? Or are You quite unhappy with how set up money? Finance is a classic problem that requires openness on both sides. Sit together and be honest about the financial situation of you at this time. This opens up about revenue or debt. By berpaku on financial status, when there are indeed convey the discrepancy/discrepancies between your lifestyle/spouse as well as its financial condition. Find a way out together, would need help in looking for income? Whether it took the determination of the budget monthly expenses? Don't blame the couple because it is not constructive, instead, talk your way out that could be taken.

There is hardly any couples who do not face problems in their relationship. Sometimes, the problem is one form of the test for the commitment of each party. If indeed the relationship can still be maintained, your ability to keep the relationship will strengthen the bond between the pair at once increases the chances you'll be able to skip the other problems that arise in the future.

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