Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Choose a safe Lubricant to make love Sex

Vaginal dryness is often become the main problem in sexual life. The reduced lubrication on the genital area, this can be caused by physical or psychological factors such as anxiety, distress, stress, or other problems.

As a result when your vaginal, sex does not produce liquid lubricant it perfectly.

Choose a safe Lubricant to make love Sex
Choose a safe Lubricant to make love Sex

To resolve the issue, use extra lubricant fluids can be a solution.

Extra lubricant fluids is divided into three types, namely, water-based lubricants, silicone, and oil. The question is, where is the lubricant which is better? It depends on what you want or need while having sex. Each type of lubricant has a character that is quite different.

Water based lubricant

Water-based lubricants are easily found with a price that varies. But because of the many brands available, not the least of which is having kemungkingan contain dangerous chemicals. Therefore, look for the brand of lubricants containing natural ingredients and make sure the lubricant-free paraben. The content of hazardous to Your genital area.

Silicone-based lubricant

Silicone-based lubricants make genital area remains slippery or wet for a very long time. Silicone-based lubricants tend to be safely used along with latex condoms, but should not be used in conjunction with a sex toy made from Silicon. Keep in mind, this type of lubricant is also not suitable for oral sex.

Oil-based lubricants

Oil-based lubricants rather hard washed after clinging to the vagina and often makes women uncomfortable. In addition, this type of lubricant can damage condoms made from latex.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Pain During Sex Is The Cause

Pain during sexual intercourse is experienced quite a lot of complaints that both men and women, although more commonly found in women. The causes can be varied, including:

Inadequate lubrication. This could be due to a lack of foreplay or warming. But it can also be caused by a decrease in estrogen levels after menopause, after giving birth, or during breastfeeding. You can solve it by doing a number of ways, such as estrogen therapy or use of fluid lubrication.

Certain drugs known to inhibit sexual desire, which can make sexual intercourse becomes ill. These drugs include antidepressants, antihistamines drugs high blood pressure, and certain birth control pills.

Pain During Sex Is The Cause
Pain During Sex Is The Cause

Injury, trauma or irritation. These include injury or irritation due to accidents, pelvic surgery, circumcision and women or cutting performed during labor to enlarge the way birth (episiotomy).

Inflammation, infection or a skin disorder. An infection in the genital area or the urinary tract can lead to sexual promiscuity became ill. Eczema or other skin problems — on the genital area — can also be a problem.

Pain During Sex Is The Cause

Vaginismus. Spasms in the muscles of the vaginal wall (vaginismus) can make very painful penetration attempts.

Congenital abnormalities. The problems that existed at the time of birth, as does the growth of organs of the vagina (vaginal agenesis), or abnormalities in the hymen that clog JST (hymen imperforata), could be the cause of pain during sexual intercourse.

Dry vagina, This Causes and solutions

The drought that occurred in the vagina often make uncomfortable, because it not only physically but also affect emotions. Persons can be diverse, ranging from hormonal changes, side effects of treatment, anxiety, disorders and so on.

Fortunately, there are so many options for treating disorders associated with vaginal dryness causes that trigger it.

Dry vagina, This Causes and solutions
Dry vagina, This Causes and solutions

The first step in treating vaginal dryness is figuring out the source of discomfort, especially if vaginal dryness at finally making sexual intercourse become unpleasant.

Causes Of Vaginal Dryness

One of the most common causes of vaginal dryness is a decrease in estrogen levels menopause moment, after giving birth, or during breastfeeding. Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation to the pelvis can also cause estrogen becomes low. In addition, vaginal dryness can be triggered by the following things:


Drugs containing antihistamines and asthma medications can make the effect of lubricant production be low, so any experience vaginal dryness.

Inadequate passion

In some cases, vaginal dryness can be caused by low libido or sexual problems with your spouse. If a couple has sexual problems and premature ejaculation, can contribute also on vaginal dryness.


Some women are allergic to chemicals such as soaps, hygiene products, dyes, and perfumes. Other allergens also includes lubricants and objects that can be placed inside the vagina.

Anxious disorders

The psychological and emotional factors such as stress and anxiety can also wreak havoc on sexual desire as well as cause vaginal dryness.

Treatment Of Vaginal Dryness

Treatments for vaginal dryness depends on the cause. Generally, the problem of vaginal lubrication caused hormonal changes can be overcome by estrogen therapy. In some cases, the doctor will suggest treatment of estrogen through the vagina. In addition to the therapy, there are several other approaches that can help the complaint dry vagina, especially to avoid the uncomfortable sexual intercourse:


The conditions of a dry vagina can create a moment of lovemaking so painful. However, you can use additional lubricant to overcome it. Some types of lubricants in between water-based lubricants, silicone, natural oils, and others.


Vaginal Moisturiser can be an effective way to minimize dryness of the vagina for a few days, with a one time allotment.

A dry vagina is a common condition, but it can degrade the quality of your relationship together couple. In ways such as giving of lubricant and Moisturiser does not catch fire overcome vaginal dryness or pain, you should consult a doctor for proper handling.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

4 how to use Lubricants When Fuck

Liquid lubrication or additional lubricant is one of the solutions to overcome sexual problems. Extra lubricant can facilitate the penetration and reduce friction during intercourse.

In addition, additional lubrication can also create moments of love-making becomes more fun and not boring.

4 how to use Lubricants When Fuck
4 how to use Lubricants When Fuck

If you want to use additional lubricant but have never used it, here are the things you need to consider:

Select the right lubricant for Your situation and conditions. Water-based lubes and silicone suitable for latex condoms, while lubricating oil type can damage latex condoms.

Pour lubricant in very small amounts to your fingers or pair.

Next, apply the desired areas, for example around the door of the vagina or penis. Don't make it soaking wet, slippery enough. If you use a lubricant for sex toy, we recommend applying lubricants on the toys, too.

Water-based lubricants are usually easy to dry out. To overcome this problem, you can add the lubricant with the amount you want. Or using water to make the lubricant on the body back to work.

Recognize the signs of Unfaithful partners Love

A research shows that in every relationship there is a 6% chance your spouse is having an affair. On a long distance relationship, the risk becomes greater, i.e. approximately 10-25%.

Men are more likely than having an affair with the woman. Generally, a party that became a victim of infidelity will experience a tremendous inner shocks, such as a sense of trauma to start a prolonged relationship or even more sinister, namely exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.

Recognize the signs of Unfaithful partners Love
Recognize the signs of Unfaithful partners Love

Therefore, in a relationship, establish good by both men and women should be able to observe your partner's movements to determine whether your partner has the possibility of having an affair or not.

Recognize the signs of Unfaithful partners

Believe in Your gut instinct

If you believe your spouse is having an affair, don't assume that you are too paranoid. Trust Your instinct. You do not need to be directly mengonfirmasinya to your partner, but your partner's gestures when awasilah already found something suspicious of your partner's gestures.

Recognize the strength of your relationship with spouse

Mostly, the couple having an affair is caused due to problems in the relationship. Consider the possibility of doing so. You can start to pay attention to the health of a relationship that You went through it, and berusalah for fixing things that can trigger the onset of it so that your relationship and your partner can be even better in the future.

A problem often encountered in a relationship is ketidaksepadanan libido, the fundamental nature of the distinction, arguing constantly, and other factors.

Recognizing the changing security gadgets to your partner

When your partner increases the level of security on the gadget that he had, then this is a sign to look out for by you.

The schedule changes suddenly

Consider your partner's schedule changes occurs suddenly, like working late into the night even in times that aren't busy, no time for you when the weekend meeting outside the city and that he never did before. It is worth You suspect the truth and find out further to ascertain whether your spouse really doing so or just is a reason alone.

Listen to the advice of your friends

Sometimes, colleagues and friends might be able to recognize the signs your spouse is no longer loyal to faster than on your own. When a friend you suddenly don't want to talk about your partner, looking annoyed, or even tell you that your partner is unfaithful, listen to their opinions. Friends/relatives may constitute an objective person who assesses your relationship with your partner, especially when you deny it.

Note the change in the attitude of your partner's friends

If your spouse is having an affair, friends of the couple You will usually know it. When his friends tried to avoid You or act other than usual, you ought to be suspicious. Because, it might have been done so that the secret of your partner is not dismantled. A lot of men/women who cheated on her spending time with friends who like having an affair too. Liverpool will be the possibility of it.

Watch for signs of regret

As many as 2/3 of the man will be charged sense of regret due to having an affair. The man will feel regret due to screwing sexually as compared to emotionally. Among the signs of regret, for example, buy goods, apologized unexpectedly, act defensively, or even accuse you, the woman, is having an affair.

Be careful with the new workers at the Office of your spouse

As much as 40% of men meet partner selingkuhnya at work. If your spouse is talking about someone it constantly, then you have to start being careful.

Recognize the physical signs of a Cheating Spouse

Your spouse is still interested in the physical aspects in your relationship

If you perform sexual intercourse less often and your spouse looks like not enthusiastic is a warning sign that cannot be ignored. Your spouse may not be interested in sexual intercourse with you because the couple feel guilty or because a spouse has gotten satisfaction with other people outside of your relationship.

In addition, you should also pay attention to not only these factors alone, but when you and your spouse kissing, holding hands, and were making out should also note.

Pay attention to your partner's clothes

Are there any stain lipstick, perfume fragrance, the scent of different detergents that are in your home? If Yes, you ought to be suspicious.

Change the appearance of

If your spouse change her hairstyle, hair color, aroma or perfume unexpectedly and without communicating with you before, believe that he did it for someone else.

Spending on outside needs typically

Amatilah purchase a pretty strange and needs outside of the usual, like new clothes, and gifts are purchased. If your partner's finances began uncontrolled as usually, You ought to be suspicious. The reason this can happen when your partner Fund anyone other than you and your family. However, this needs to be further you observe so as not happening a misunderstanding led to the separation.

By knowing the above things, you can begin to recognize signs your spouse is having an affair. Are there any of you who have the same gestures as has been mentioned above? Please act to learn more will Your spouse do gestures so you know Your spouse why the certainty of doing so.

Minggu, 21 Februari 2016

It Turns Out That Laughing Can Lose Weight

Laughter is a cheap and easy thing for us to do, but the rich will benefit. While laughing, our body responds by lowering levels of stress hormones (such as cortisol, adrenaline, and dopamine) as well as increase growth hormone which plays a protects us from disease and infection.

In addition, the laughs can stimulate production of T cells and globulins, two cells that are important in the body's defense system against germs. The theory supported a research by Loma Linda University which suggests that laughing can increase the production of immunoglobulin to the body defense system amounted to 14%.

Want To Diet? Laugh Anyway

In addition to its benefits in maintaining the body's health, laughed apparently can also lose weight.

As previously mentioned, the laughs were able to lower the levels of stress hormones in the body, including cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that stimulates a person to eat, the lower your metabolism after a meal, and store fat.

With a laugh, the influence of cortisol against our bodies can also be minimized.

Calories burned While Laughing

It Turns Out That Laughing Can Lose Weight
It Turns Out That Laughing Can Lose Weight

Before we talk about burning calories with a laugh, here is a sample of the activities you normally do and serving the calories burned by doing these activities:

The types of activities the number of calories burned
Jogging 171
170 static bicycle
Gardening 68
Shop 40
Drive 34
Writing 25

List of the most demanding us to do physical activity, but not with a laugh.

A laugh can help burn calories by increasing the frequency of the heart up to 10-20%. With the increasing frequency of heart, our metabolism is also on the rise, meaning the body will burn calories more after we laugh. Then, how many calories burned?

Laughing for 15 minutes a day, we can burn about 10-40 calories. This is proportional to the amount of calories consumed three fruit crisps are free of salt without guilt. When the habit of laughing we apply in one year, we can lose weight by as much as 1.8 pounds just by laughing.

From now on, try to do positive habits that make you happy, even laughing. Besides being good for health, his bonus is your weight will decrease and in tune with changes in diet and exercise, you will soon reach the weight you always wanted.

Being married is great for heart health

Married can change your life in an instant. You will share your life with the one you love, running a function as husband or wife with your spouse, as well as giving birth to offspring.

In addition, did you know that already married also impacted good for your health?

Marriage affects heart health

Affect heart health has nothing to do with you being a thumping when you are near your partner. Based on studies conducted on three million adults in the United States, a married person has a 5% lower risk for exposed heart disease when compared with those who are unattached.

While those who are divorced have 5% higher risk for exposed heart disease.

Marriage is unhealthy, not healthy also for the heart

When a person no longer had the support of his partner, then the risk for exposed heart disease will become higher. This is corroborated from studies conducted on married couples who jotted down on a questionnaire that her marriage was not a happy one.

After examination of the heart, the result is their potentially suffered calcification or a blockage in the blood vessels of the heart.

Being married is great for heart health
Being married is great for heart health

Any bone join the healthy

As much as 632 people participated in a research published in the journal of Osteoporosis – International – and do an examination of bone mass (is one indicator of the strength of the bone).

Once analyzed, the researchers found men who still are single or divorced already have lower bone density when compared to married. But more interestingly, men who marry before the age of 25 have weaker bones than with who was married at the age above 25 years.

Women's increased confidence

Where is the woman who is not pleased when newly married. Heart ever leapt feels every day. In studies conducted in the year 2013, researchers found that women who are happy with their marriage tend to be have a positive outlook toward her. Such women are also no longer much thought or easily stressed by her weight.

Men who are married tend to be fatter than with who is still single?

Consider Your male friends who are married, many of whom were certainly look fat after marriage. Why? Based on studies from Tallinn University, someone who is happy in his marriage will effect also on his performance as a whole.

Have someone who love and support you, realize that outward appearance is no longer seen as the main thing, will make someone be rarely stress. But also note, Yes, if your partner's weight had started, because it can also effect on his health.

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2016

The importance of Milk Tooth Extractions in children

Milk tooth is a tooth that often do not get the full attention. It is with respect to the idea that milk teeth will be replaced later on so that an awful lot of children who experience tooth decay milk and sometimes conditions are severe enough that it has been revoked.

The lifting gear is a scary thing for most people, not only by the children but also adults only.

But inevitably, sometimes the milk teeth children must be revoked although not yet timed so that the milk teeth can be replaced with a fixed gear.

Here are some of the conditions that had to be stripped of the milk teeth:

Damage caused by caries or tooth hole that was not doable action patching again, as damage to the tooth that have reached the root of the tooth.

On the conditions of existence of the dentoalveolar abscess with acute cellulitis

The persistence or milk teeth that should have been the date but not the date, but also the fixed gear has emerged.

Milk teeth which causes ulcers dekubitus.

The importance of Milk Tooth Extractions in children
The importance of Milk Tooth Extractions in children

The milk teeth are having infection in parts of periapikal and interradikularnya which cannot be treated.

The milk tooth impaction or disorder experienced growth so as to preclude the emergence of a tooth fixed.

However, if found some conditions as above, there are things you can do to avoid the milk teeth so that children don't need to be unplugged before his time, namely:

Brushing your teeth twice a day using a fluoride containing toothpaste type corresponds to the age of the wearer.

Stop the habit of consuming foods that contain lots of sugar.

Stop the habit of drinking milk in the bottle teat until falling asleep.

Control to the dentist on a regular basis.

Do the treatment immediately to the dentist when the tooth is already damaged or hole, although there has not been a perceived grievance.

When a child turns milk teeth indeed should be revoked upon the recommendation of the doctor, then the expected parents able to support their children in order to make children brave when her teeth will be revoked. This is to avoid the occurrence of a child's milk teeth is not so revoked and can endanger the health of the child because the child is reluctant or afraid when her teeth will be revoked by the dentist.

Why Chocolate Can Make Happy Is The Answer

Chocolate is the food became one of the traditions of the celebration of valentines day. Incomplete missed Valentines day without giving a piece of chocolate on a beloved spouse.

In addition, for some people chocolate is also known as the ' breakout ' foods to eliminate sadness, boredom, and improve morale. Roughly why Brown could have a role that much?

The answers to these questions have been answered medically. Brown turns out to be able to work the instant mood changing not just through it tastes good, but also through the release of various substances stimulants that could potentially affect the brain. The substance is called Feniletilamin (Phenylethylamine/PEA).

Why Chocolate Can Make Happy Is The Answer
Why Chocolate Can Make Happy Is The Answer

This PEA in compound structure is almost similar to amphetamines, a psychoactive substance which is often misused excessively as a stimulant. In addition found on Brown, PEA is also found in peanut oil almon. In the human brain, PEA releasing endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, a hormone that produces antidepressant effects as well as raises a sense of happy.

See, PEA even became one of the first hypotheses in understanding biological science of falling in love (Marazziti and Canale, 2004), although it should be researched further.

In a study, Brown even said to have similarities with some of the drugs used to cause a sense of pleased, because Brown deals with the emergence of a sense of euphoria, addicted in a short time, and mood changes.

With the explanation above, the effect of the Brown looked so convincing, isn't it? But also note, chocolate consumption remains reasonable and not excessive, so you are able to take the benefits presented by Brown. Congratulations eat chocolate!

Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

Like To Eat A Lot Of Fat, But Not Quickly Try This Way

Any kind of diet you have done and avail? This may have occurred because you have irregular metabolism or metabolism started to slow down.

Boost your metabolism is one of the ways that you can do for a successful diet program. When your metabolism slows down then you will getting harder and harder to lose weight.

Metabolic rate is influenced by several factors, such as the descent, gender, age, weight, hormone levels, as well as the activity of the body.

Like To Eat A Lot Of Fat, But Not Quickly Try This Way
Like To Eat A Lot Of Fat, But Not Quickly Try This Way

Men generally can burn calories faster than women. Then when you are 40 years of age, usually your metabolism can be reduced.

Here are some ways that you can do to increase Your body's metabolism:

Drinking water water white

Your body needs water to burn calories. When you are dehydrated then your metabolism will be reduced. A study showed that adults who consume water as much as 8 glasses or more in a day can burn more calories than people who consume 4 glasses. When you need a snack, choose vegetables and fruits especially vegetables and fruit containing a lot of water.

Consuming protein

Body metabolism will increase when you are consuming protein compared to carbs. To keep the body's metabolism, try replacing the CARB with a protein without the fat. A good source of protein in them fish, chicken, nuts, eggs and low-fat dairy products.


Exercising regularly can help boost your metabolism. Therefore, move your body with running or brisk walking, at least 30 minutes each day.

Smart diet

Consuming meals with more duration can often help reduce weight. When you eat a large portion with a long distance, then Your body's metabolism can decrease. So, try to eat in very small amounts every 3-4 hours to keep Your metabolism.

6 foods that You should not keep it in the Freezer

The freezer does indeed save time, energy, and money. Especially for mothers who are working, the freezer can be said as a lifesaver.

Very practical. But you have to be careful in storing food in the freezer, because if you instead will damage the food. These are the kinds of foods that You should not keep it in the freezer:

1. high-water Vegetable

Vegetables high water can freeze easily, but it turns out that freezing can damage cell walls in vegetables that give form on the Greens. Consequently if removed from the freezer, the vegetables were no longer worth consumed due to wither and smelling. Examples of vegetables high water in between celery, lettuce, and cucumbers.

6 foods that You should not keep it in the Freezer
6 foods that You should not keep it in the Freezer

2. Eggs

The intact eggs still inside the shell will break open and when it is placed in the freezer, so potentially entering the bacteria. If you want to store the eggs in the freezer, you should open the first of the shell.

3. Coffee

Coffee is not yet opened can be put into the freezer for up to one month. However, after you open the packaging, never put it back in the freezer. Cool back coffee beans in the freezer may cause condensation of the coffee beans as well as absorb all the delicious bau-bauan not in the freezer.

4. processed milk Products

Processed milk products such as sour cream and whipped cream can be diluted if placed in the freezer.

5. Potatoes

Raw potato will change color and lose their texture, if stored in the freezer. While the potatoes that have been processed or cooked, when stored in the freezer will become watery and pale colored.

6. Emulsion

Emulsion in question here is the salad dressing and mayonnaise. If stored in the freezer, salad dressing and mayonnaise will become watery and separate.

Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Healthy Tips Dinner for Cholesterol

A healthy diet is one of the components of the lifestyle to achieve good cholesterol levels. Healthy diet does not mean it is not good to eat. You have to play with the composition of the food to make the diet more varied and of course delicious. Thus, healthy dinner you prepare not seem boring.

Well, whatever the composition of the food patterns that can support your diet?

Red rice

Healthy dinner for You, use brown rice instead of white rice. Brown rice contain complex carbohydrates with lower caloric content. In addition, brown rice also contains higher levels of fiber.


Many salmon contains omega-3 that plays a protects the blood vessels of the heart. Although salmon have many benefits, if cooked the wrong way then the benefit will be reduced. Pangganglah salmon until fish becomes reddish color. You can put a sweet soy sauce and olive oil to taste. To lessen the fishy smell of fish, peraslah lemon salmon on top of you.

Healthy Tips Dinner for Cholesterol
Healthy Tips Dinner for Cholesterol
Meat without fat

Choose the meat without fat for a healthy dinner, for example, parts of the chicken breast. Although still contains fat, its content is comparatively less than other parts.

Boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes can meet the needs of Your carb, or be a substitute for white rice. You can add some low fat white milk spoon to assist in smoothing or mashing boiled potatoes. Avoid the use of cheese and margarine in cultivate the boiled potatoes.


Please close your healthy dinner with a fresh fruit salad. Fresh fruit salad or vegetables can be an alternative dessert. Avoid mayonnaise in salad serving You, except the mayonnaise low in sugar and fat. Instead, you can use the healthier olive oil.

Hot and cold Compress therapy to Overcome painful joints

Pain and stiffness in the joints certainly can inhibit the activity as well as reduce the comfort while resting. Do you need any kind of additional therapies that can relieve the pain you can do yourself at home? Hot and cold compress therapy is the answer.

Hot and cold compress therapy is one way to relieve pain and stiffness in the joints, for example for the knee joint injury or experiencing inflammation.

In addition to easy, and practical, this therapy can also be relied upon to help cope with the pain. Hot and cold compress therapy become complementary in addressing the issue of joint pain.

Hot and cold Compress therapy to Overcome painful joints
Hot and cold Compress therapy to Overcome painful joints

How does hot and cold compress can relieve the pain to the knee joint? Cold compress using ice can cause a vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) so that in the event of injury or inflammation, the process of vasoconstriction that occurs will lead to the reduction of swelling.

In addition, the circulation of substances in the blood that play a role in inflicting pain to the knee joint will also be halted so that pain can be reduced. Therefore, ice or cold packs of pengaplikasikan must be carried out immediately, i.e. less than 48 hours, the post-war rise of injury or arthritis of the knee. The trick is to attach the ice compress for 10 to 20 minutes, as many as 3 times or more in a day.

Whereas, the workings of the warm compress is the opposite of cold compress. A warm compress cause vasodilatory (widening of the blood vessels) which are useful for bringing useful substances for the healing process. It is important to apply a warm compress after 48 hours, because when a warm compress performed on 48 hours first thus concerned about the swelling that occurs will be increased.

Therefore, in the 48 hours after the first occurrence of injury or inflammation of knees, avoid things that can cause increased swelling like a warm bath, soak in warm water, hot compresses, and consume alcoholic beverages. Whereas when the 48 hours has elapsed but the swelling has already reduced, kompreslah areas of inflammation with warm objects.

Keesimpulannya, heat therapy, for example with the compress (heating pad) or a warm bath, tend to be more appropriate to reduce joint pain and muscle fatigue. This is because heat can improve circulation and deliver nutrients against joint and muscle problems.

While the cold therapy (ice pack, ice, frozen vegetables, cold pack) is most fitting for use on acute pain due to narrowed blood vessels that drain the blood to the area of inflammation, as well as being able to reduce the swelling.

Therapeutic hot and cold compress can help remove the pain, stiffness and swelling in the knee joint. For the degree of pain or heavy enough on the case which happened in Chronicle, cold and hot therapy may not be enough to relieve the pain. Therefore, it is important for you to mengonsultasikannya on the doctor.

Another case with the degree of pain that is lighter, warm or cold therapy can be an easy and practical solution to do yourself at home. Experiment of some types of hot and cold therapy, even in combination, may be needed to find the type of therapy that gives pain peredaan is best for you.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Sex Positions For People With Joint Pain

Sex positions that are good and right is always yearning to all couples. As a normal human, anyone who has had a legal spouse would certainly feel the desire to live an active sexual life.

Not only useful on physical health and inner, undergoing an active sexual activity can also strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. Unfortunately, there are times when sexual life is hampered due to joint pain is experienced, and it is not impossible is able to evoke the presence of frustration.

Joint pain can be a challenge. The reason, joint pain can have negative consequences against passion in sexual intercourse, both for the experienced joint pain as well as for his partner.

However, it depends from what joints are problematic. In General, movements in sexual intercourse requires a fairly active movement. Active movements of this certainly can cause discomfort in the joints that are inflamed.

Sex Positions For People With Joint Pain
Sex Positions For People With Joint Pain
However, joint pain sufferers need not get discouraged and give up with the situation. The reason, joint pain can be minimized by selecting the right sex position. Before discussing about the good sex positions for people with joint pain, here are some tips about sex life for patients with joint pain:

Discuss with your partner with respect to the comfortable sex positions in order to minimize the occurrence of painful joints. By talking, you can arrive at a solution that is right for you and your partner.

Openness is the key to fluency of your relationship with your partner. Convey Your natural conditions with clear details, for example when you refuse to have sex because of the pain you are experiencing. Without knowing the reason for denial is clear, you can cause disappointment against your spouse.

Keep having an active lifestyle, for example with light exercise adapted to the conditions of your joints and keep doing activities that You do on a daily routine. Passion sex You will remain awake and not decline when you keep the body stay fit and active.

Treatment and control of regular joint health can minimize the pain, so your activities will not be influenced. If necessary, do the things that needed to be able to relieve the pain you are experiencing, such as taking any medication antinyeri, compress on the part of the pain, and soak for 1 hour before sexual intercourse.

In addition to paying attention to things at the top, the right sex position should also note for joint pain sufferers. Indeed, the right sex positions for sufferers of painful joints strongly depends on the location of the joints that are experiencing pain.

Arthritis Research UK recommends several types of sex positions that are safe for some form of joint pain, among others:

Sexual intercourse positions with women and men each other sideways.

How to perform this type of position is by positioning the body both spouses mutually lying sideways, facing each other. One of the feet of the couple in the squeeze by the foot of her partner. This position is good for men who have problems back pain and had recently undergone surgery in the pelvic area.

Women on top position (woman on top) or man (man on top)

How do these types of sex positions is the man lying on his back, and the woman kneeling or lying on top of it. This position is good for men with pelvic pain or knee, while the women in healthy conditions.

But when the woman who suffered hip problems or knees, a position could be renamed the man at the top. When the woman below, put a pillow under the hips or thighs for support, when the woman has a pelvic problem, back, and knees

Standing sex positions

In this position, both the men and women are positioning themselves in the stands. The woman may be resting on objects/furniture with the appropriate height and the penetration is performed from the back. This position is right for you and your spouse have knee pain making it hard to do the movements of his knees.

Woman lying on bed end

When the woman can not manipulate the hips or knees, then sex positions to choose from is position the woman lying at the end of the bed. How do these positions is a woman lying on her back at the end of the bed and the guy kneeling and then doing the penetration from the front.

So some sex positions that can be chosen to continue your sexual activity without being affected by the complaints of joint pain you are experiencing. In fact, very much the kind of positions that you can try with your partner. Sex positions you select, such as a spouse or both standing, kneeling, or sitting must be adapted to the comforts of your joints.

When one position causing a sense of tense on your joints, so it's good you are experimenting with other styles. The use of pads, buffer, as well as various objects/furniture can help achieve positions that provide comfort for you and your partner.

3 problems in relationships and how to Trick

What kind of relationship do you live together with Your beloved partner? Do you have a fulfilling relationship, complement each other, and the days passed with happiness?

After some time passed, most of the relationship between the couples will fall on a comfortable pattern is the following:

Mutual acceptance and existing roles mengikhlaskan on each

Make treaties and commitments so that each holds a specific role

3 problems in relationships and how to Trick
3 problems in relationships and how to Trick

Keep your distance

Mutual store secrets and discontent

Stuck on the circumstances in which each dishonest but retaining the ' relationship '.

What are things that often become a problem?

Each couple would certainly put hope in relationships that are living. But there are times when the situation seemed to press and difficult problem is avoided, so that the relationship must be ' tripped ' constraints. Sometimes, the ' stumbling block ' this can be overcome with perfect, but could also lead to the end of a relationship.

In fact, it's easier to talk about everyday problems than finding the dynamics underlying problems in a relationship. This is because both parties certainly have a way of view and a different mindset, which can be difficult to put together.

Here are some of the areas that is most often a problem between both partners:

The lack of time together

Saturation in touch

Addictive behaviors/hobby one partner

Violence/anger/rudeness in dealing

Household settings problem

Common goals between the two couples

Dishonesty/lack of confidence

Problems with in-laws

Criticism of the couple


Lack of intimacy and sexual problems



Problem child and his care

How do I get around the problems in the relationship?

For any problems encountered, requiring finesse and different responses. Check out some of the ways to overcome three kinds of problems that most often appear in the associated:

The Problem: Communication

Almost all problems in relating the bad communication. Unfortunately, the sophistication of the times and progress in telecommunication tool capable of causing ' glued ' to update everything in sight on their smartphone, instead of on their partner. Sit together with your partner, keep all forms of communication tools, and point out feelings and informasinya.Aku steam-informasinya.Aku steam respectively. Talking about things in a good way (without elevating the tone or without accusing), and listen to what Your spouse is delivered.

Sexual Problems:

The relationship of husband and wife sometimes tinged issues to discontent one party over their sexual activity. Occasionally, your spouse need sex more often, more varied, more spontaneous, but they do not mengutarakannya you. Real sex was able to hold the husband and wife physically and mentally. For this one, You expected is sensitive to the needs of your partner. Or when you thus feel discomfort in sexual activities, tell them clearly and not covered up.

Financial Issues:

Financial problems can arise even before the wedding party was held. Are you satisfied with the income of your spouse? Or are You quite unhappy with how set up money? Finance is a classic problem that requires openness on both sides. Sit together and be honest about the financial situation of you at this time. This opens up about revenue or debt. By berpaku on financial status, when there are indeed convey the discrepancy/discrepancies between your lifestyle/spouse as well as its financial condition. Find a way out together, would need help in looking for income? Whether it took the determination of the budget monthly expenses? Don't blame the couple because it is not constructive, instead, talk your way out that could be taken.

There is hardly any couples who do not face problems in their relationship. Sometimes, the problem is one form of the test for the commitment of each party. If indeed the relationship can still be maintained, your ability to keep the relationship will strengthen the bond between the pair at once increases the chances you'll be able to skip the other problems that arise in the future.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Face Similar Means soul mate: myth or Fact

Many people assume that face similar means soul mate. However, whether the presumption that face similar means soul mate this is a fact or just a myth?

Scientifically, it can be proven that the partner has a face that looks like is not a myth, but the true existence. A research carried out suggests that couples who marry originally there is no resemblance to each other.

But after 25 years of marriage, then it will happen one couples facial similarities with the other. In addition, the happy couple at a wedding, it will be increasingly similar to both of these couples face.

Face Similar Means soul mate: myth or Fact
Face Similar Means soul mate: myth or Fact

According to Robert Zajonc, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, said that the facial resemblance is caused by the exchange of emotions that have been done over the years.

In the study, factors like similarities for years the effect on food hoarding the fatty tissues so that it also contributes to the likeness of the face, even though it is not crucial.

In addition, couples will experience a facial expression exchange the same face for years and it is its own empathy so as to make the face increasingly similar.

Evidence of facial expression are derived from research conducted by Olaf Dimberg, psychologist from Sweden, who conducted the research by measuring the levels of tension in the muscles of the face when shown several photos that show a variety of expression.

In the photo that shows anger, then the people who saw it also unconsciously will have angry expression which is more or less the same. This can happen due to facial expressions are going to make the same emotions because of the facial muscles also play a role in regulating the flow of blood flowing into the brain.

In addition, the carotid arteries are located inside the neck of the duty to provide blood supply to the brain also has branching blood vessels to the area of the face. So when the facial muscles are more relaxed, then the blood flow to the brain would be so much more a part of the brain that get more blood supply.

Facial expressions, such as smiling, will trigger some parts in the brain to make the feelings that are related, such as happiness. When a couple has the same facial expression facial, then they also indirectly will have the same emotions, and synergized with each other. In other words, a facial face will make it a more powerful empathy because it will trigger a feeling of being stronger and more synergistically.

In conclusion, the spouse will be more similar to each other because it has the same facial expression in a long time. The facial resemblance of couples will begin when the two share the same expression every day. In such research, the happy marriage of a person will be a very strong similarity in both partners.

The scent of flowers, Really Only got a nose Just

Giving flowers is one of the forms of expression of love that has become a tradition at Valentines day. The beauty of a flower considered appropriate to given to loved ones and symbolize the feeling of belonging to the giver. Of different types of flowers, the scent of any owned no doubt vary.

Tracing the further matter of fragrant flowers, did you know that flowers was able to provide a variety of effects to the body for those who kissed whose?

Know the facts surrounding this provision under the flower scent You live live the Valentines day floral scent, because actually not only up to the sheer in the nose.

Have you ever felt hungry after smelling a good food? Or have you ever felt feelings happy and excited after a smelling the scent of perfume someone else that is similar to the scent of the perfume of your partner?

The scent of flowers, Really Only got a nose Just
The scent of flowers, Really Only got a nose Just

Smell is a form of senses have been known since ancient times. The scent is a form of the molecule, and the human capacity to feel the scent/smell is due to the chemical processes that brought about the molecule.

Apparently, the smell is the sense that it has a more complex neural pathways. Before reaching the capital at part of the brain called the thalamus, must pass through the center of olfactory memory or memory and emotions.

Therefore, together with the existence of consciousness you will be the emergence of a smell/scent, you can also associate it with an event in the past as well as feeling happy, sad, or angry associated with scents that You breathe. Is no exception with the scent of flowers, an effect that arises against the body not just only because a whose odor was noticeable.

A study mentioned that aroma of flowers are sprayed around bed will provide more positive or pleasant dreams, than there is no fragrance at all. In a study, said lavender flowers can release hormones that cause the guy who kissed him feeling better and happier. Other plants, such as scent Eucalypt eucalyptus or said can raise awareness and vigilance.

Some other effects that can arise due to smell certain scents-, among others:

Raises the feeling and flavor of love

A University of Chicago research indicates that women are able to smell the genetic differences, although it can not be expressed openly and the scent of the unconscious. In addition, it is also mentioned that humans tend to prefer the scent of the body of another person who unconsciously was able to give something special to him.

Fragrances can affect concentration

Mentioned that the fragrance of lavender, strawberries, and peppermint can boost concentration. This never used to increase the concentration of the students, athletes and workers to be able to practise their activities better.

Fragrances can affect memory

The scent is the originator of a particular memory which is very strong. When someone is experiencing an event at which there is a particular aroma is typical, for example, the scent of perfume when couples meet, or the scent of smoke when the fire broke out, then that person will easily remember events that occurred simultaneously with the scent of terciumnya. This is because the parts of the brain that process the smell associated with the part that processes emotion and memory.

Lowering the difficulty of sleep and stress

The fragrance of lavender flowers, roses, including fragrant vanilla and coffee is said to be able to reduce insomnia and stress as well as gave rise to a sense of calm for those who smell it.

Divorce and its impact on Children

The conflict between the mismatch after sometimes can be ended in divorce. Divorce can happen to the age of marriage of new and already lasted decades. This divorce, don't be denied, can give an impact on others i.e. the child.

Based on research published in the American Sociological Review, kids with divorced parents tend to have difficulties in academic and social areas.

Divorce and its impact on Children
Divorce and its impact on Children

The study also mentioned that those who divorced parents often have lower self-confidence.

The collision occurred not only because of the conflict of the marriage and the divorce process, but also at the time of the seizure and custody if the child had to move schools when their parents divorced.

One of the researchers, Hyun Sik Kim, Ph.d. from the University of Wisconcin, United States, examines more than 3500 elementary school-aged children who have parents who are divorced. Sik Kim follow the development of these children ages kindergarten to fifth grade elementary school.

The result is children who's parents are divorced, his mathematical values tend to be lower and psychologically reported by teachers they had leanings to experience the disorder anxiety, feel lonely, sad, and look down on themselves than other children whose parents are not divorced.

Therefore, it is important for children to have the space and time with their parents, where they can ask questions about changes in pascaperceraian. How the delivery of this information must also be adapted to the age of the child. If the child continues to feel loved and supported by the parents, then the children can still have a good quality of life even though her parents are no longer together.

Kissing Can Prevent Cavities

A lot of people expressing affection with a kiss the lips of his partner. Kissing can indeed aggravate the relationship between the two lovebirds. Not only is good for closer relationships, kissing has proven health benefits to the body.

A little research in 2009 stating that men and women showed decreased levels of the hormone cortisol (the hormone for relaxation) is high at the time kissing than when they hold hands.

While kissing you also employ facial muscles can help fight wrinkles of the face.

In addition, it turned out to be a kiss can also prevent cavities! This is possible because the mechanism with a kiss, it will stimulate increased production of saliva which is capable of reducing the bacteria and remove plaque cause tooth cavities. Kissing can also restore the tooth surface minerals that are lost due to the initial process of cavities. This is because saliva contains mineral ions.

Kissing Can Prevent Cavities
Kissing Can Prevent Cavities
Saliva also has other good for the functioning of teeth and oral cavity, such as:

Protect the soft tissues from abrasion during Mastication.

Facilitate the digestion of carbohydrates.

Cleanse the oral cavity from food particles.

Keep the levels of calcium in the oral cavity environment maintained.

Become agents of offsetting the acidity in the oral cavity.

Behind some benefits, there is also the risk of kissing for the health of the body. You can easily become infected with certain diseases due to kissing, from disease to diseases that are quite dangerous.

So, make sure Your mouth and teeth hygiene as well as a couple when he wanted to do, to make the kiss kissing activity can better provide benefits to You rather than risk.
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